
The Legend of Terra: Chapter 1 (Remastered)

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The Legend of Terra

Chapter 1: Dawn of a New Day

Eight Years Later…

Terra's eyes snapped open in a flash. Her room was already full of bright light flowing in from one of the open windows of her chamber in the stone castle. She knew what today was. It was the first day of summer, one of the many dates of joy and celebration in the days to come. Leaping out of her bed she quickly the young woman had a delighted skip and bounce in her step. She drew back the balcony curtains to her room, letting the golden afternoon light fill her once shadowed chamber. Still cool after-morning air rushed across her skin. The warm rays of radiance reflected off the mirrors and the royal purple tapestries that adorned her room, creating a comforting yet exciting ambience which Terra enjoyed.

Striding out onto the balcony Terra look a long breath in, filling her lungs with the fresh clean summer air. "It's a wonderful day, just wonderful!" she cooed twirling around clearly happy with the world around her.

Placing her hands on the weathered but yet smooth stone railings of her balcony she looked over onto the roofs Castle Town. Over the years the grey rock of the balcony eroded enough to be smooth to the human touch. She knew the town was already ripe with activity getting ready for the summer carnival which would take place in only two days’ time. The summer carnival was to celebrate the years of peace Hyrule has enjoyed since the defeat of Ganondorf. It was the highlight of the year for the kingdom of Hyrule and the surrounding areas. Many diverse people from different neighboring lands would assemble at the Castle to enjoy the carnival and celebrate peace and prosperity. But this celebration would also be one of the many publically known meeting times of the sages, including Hyrule’s royalty, Zelda and Link. Such events were rarely made public. Yet during an event as such, the meeting had a more ceremonial purpose than anything else.

Stepping back into her room Terra began to get ready herself for the day. This often consisted of dressing in her finest clothing and jewelry that had been gifted to her through many a noble and rupee. Walking over to her wooden closest, one that was nearly bursting from the contents within, she pulled out a formfitting blue and white dress given to her by her mother, Zelda. Its style was a symbol for Hyrule's female royalty, much like the gown her mother wore many years ago. But this particular piece was updated to Terra's personal preference and style. All the golden threads and metals had been replaced with silvers. Terra attempted to separate herself from her mother as best she could. Smugly smirking to herself she slipped away into a side room to put it on.

Impa, one of Terra’s long-time attendants, knocked on the door. "Terra, are you awake?" Impa was one of Zelda closest companions. Even in her old age she kept watch over the young princess of Hyrule. "Terra, are you here?" she said again curiously, with a hint light-hearted urgency. This time the attendant walked into the princess’s room.

"Impa, Good morning!" Terra sang walking out from her personal dressing room. She stuck her head out from around the corner, still pulling her clothes onto her body. "It's an absolutely wonderful day!" The girl replied happily, head vanishing behind the stone wall again. In little time at all Terra emerged again, this time fully clothed. Her hands were still pulled behind her, fingers tying the last remaining laces on her back dress. Terra tugged at the dress a number of times, getting the right fit around her body.

"Your mother and father have already gone down to market to help with preparations." Impa stated eagerly, taking a seat on the singular stone bench on the balcony. She looked up at Terra, eyeing her curiously. Her blonde hair glowed in the morning sun, and the sun brought out each little detail of the young woman. Impa continued to examine the princess. Terra had never been the largest person, even for her age. Her body form was small yet slender, but by no means was she tall or extremely curved. It seemed that Terra would’ve passed as the runt of Link and Zelda’s children if they had any more. Although being Hylian, there wasn’t much of a difference between her and other young women in the market place besides inches of height. “You’ve become quite a fine young woman, Terra.”

Terra laughed warmly; face turning a light shade of pink. "Oh stop, Impa!" She looked down with her icy blue eyes, a trait she picked up from her father.

"But it's true, young lady." Impa insisted. "Remember the way the boys in town look at you?" The attendant gave the young woman a suggestive yet comedic wink and stare. She couldn’t help but laugh at her own joke.

Terra took a seat next to Impa on the bench, laughing. "What are you getting at you old hag you?" She poked at Impa's side playfully with her elbow. The last bit was a retaliatory joke of Terra’s own.

"Well…If you have to ask" Impa said letting out a small chuckle. Clearly Impa was having no trouble keeping her own secrets "You haven't found yourself any sort of suitor yet. You’re parents are getting a little apprehensive."

Terra's happy expression quickly faded away into one of disgust. "Impa…Most young men are snobs and flamboyant young rich-lings. It seems all of the young men, or might I dare say ‘nobles,’ my parents find for me are only interested in…well…you know…things of a less mentionable nature in a casual conversation…" Terra wiggled her left index finger up in the air and rolled her eyes, signaling that she clearly didn’t care about the subject of conversation.

Impa laughed and gave a simple slight nod of understanding "Even so…It's a part of growing up; someday your parents won't be around. You'll have the kingdom to be in charge of…And it helps to have someone around to help you make decision you may not be so sure on! It truly is a blessing to have someone by your side for such matters."

Terra leaned against the stone railing and sighed. “There is just no one I'm interested in…not yet…not here at least." She blew some of her blonde bangs out of her eyes with a huff of air.

"That…Or you're just not looking hard enough…" Impa said, taking Terra's hands in hers, holding them gently.

"I'm serious, Impa! I don’t have any concern in these matters at the moment."

"Oh, I believe you. I'm sure you'll find that person sometime." Impa joked, letting go of Terra’s hands and getting up off the bench, starting out to the door. "I'm also sure your father and mother would like to see you. Now get a move on princess, tis a busy day as you know!"

Terra nodded and shrugged "Indeed, I guess you’re your right Impa…" She glanced over her shoulder at the bustling town that lay before the castle. Walking towards the wooden door, and picking up her hooded cape as she exited the room. Princess Terra flung the light woven cloak around her shoulders, closed the wooden door behind her, and started to the busy Marketplace…


Lon Lon Ranch

Alec ran across the ground of Lon Lon Ranch kicking up brown dust beneath his swiftly moving feet. In both hands he clutched tightly a poorly carved wooden two-handed sword, a weapon he crafted himself. Launching his own body over a fence he collapsed onto the ground, rolling to a stop before picking himself back up. That fall wasn’t supposed to happen. Now on all fours and quickly returning to his two feet, Alec continued toward a set of post on which he set an assortment of empty glass and clay milk bottles. Even though he was the age of eighteen, the young man always enjoyed messing around between his jobs on the ranch. His mother often mentioned furiously he goofed off too often. After all, fun was something he rarely ever had nowadays. Still in full sprint he arrived at the first post, slashing in from the side like a Zora set aflame he turned the milk bottle into shards which flew about the air and onto the ground. Maneuvering between each post he took out each bottle systematically, one by one until only one final jug remained. Farther away from the rest he began to charge at the last post. Leaping into the air he began to bring the wooden sword down at the bottle.

"Alec, I need your help!" a voice bellowed out from the barn.

Startled he lost his balance and missed the post, hitting himself with his own swing directly in the ribs. Colliding with the ground he heard a snap as he rolled to a stop in the dirt.

Alec groaned painfully as he slowly stood up onto two feet, patting himself over making sure his body was still in one piece. He brushed some grass, sand, and dirt out of his dark brown hair. Looking down at the ground he found what was the cause of the snapping sound. Lying at his feet he saw his crafted wooden sword snapped clean into two parts. "Great…" he mumbled sounding rather disappointed “…hours of work down the gutter." Groaning and rubbing his bruised back he walked over to the barn to help his mother.

Malon, the current ranch owner, was in the process of moving a wooden crate of full glass milk bottles onto a horse drawn cart. The sound of the bottles clattering together echoed about the room. "Here, help me move these." She said, straining her words as she grabbed another heavy crate.

Alec ran over to help his mother. "Here, let me." He said taking the crate easily out of his weary mother's hands with ease and stacking it onto the cart. Malon sat down onto a small stool, her chest heaving from all the work and beads of sweat running down the sides of her head.

"Alec!" She sighed, shaking her head from side to side. "When are you going to stop messing around?” Malon knew her son was taking no notice to the work needing done around the ranch.

Alec turned after placing the final crate onto the cart. "I'm not messing around mother; I'm simply enjoying my free time, something you should do more often." He said looking back at his mother with a raised eyebrow and a half smirk. Leaning up against the adjacent wall Alec stretched his body, still feeling the faint pulsing pain from the bruise on his back. The boy opted not to mention the fall to his mother.

"I work to keep this place running, if I don't do my job, no more Lon Lon Milk, no more money, no more food…" Malon said frowning, easily winning the debate between her and her son. "And yes, I enjoy my work if you must know."

Alec sat down in a pile of straw. "Carnival is soon, are we going?" he asked, attempting to change the subject to one with a more upbeat tone.

"Of course, I'll be leaving soon for town; this milk isn't going to take itself"

Alec chuckled. "I'm guessing you want me to stay here and watch the ranch…Just like last year, eh?"

"Yes, I would bring you with me, but it's easier to go alone, better for the horse." Malon stated, patting on the horse’s neck gently. "You can come tomorrow; we just need people to watch over the cows for an extra day, to make sure they are fed and taken care of and…"

Alec sighed in disappointment, although this wasn’t any sort of surprise to him. The rest of this mother’s words went right over his head. "Alright!" He got up out of the straw with a half-disappointed sigh and brushed himself off and began to hitch up the horse to the loaded cart.

"You're a good boy…I really appreciate your help you know…" Malon said jumping up onto the cart looking down to Alec. "It's a shame your father hasn’t seen you like..."

"It's alright mom, I don't mind! And I'm sure he would be proud of the work we've done with the ranch." He smiled up at his mother. Alec's father wasn't exactly a favorite subject around these parts. The family of two though it best not to mention the subject entirely. Alec himself still never knew all the details, much less taking it upon himself to remember them.

Malon huffed. "I'll see you soon, keep watch over the place, and lock up before you leave tomorrow!" She gave the reigns a tug and the horse started out of the barn and down the path toward Castle Town.

Alec chuckled again, slightly shaking his head. "Yeah, cya-later mom…" He fell back onto the pile of hay once more.

Settling himself in, he looked up through a tiny hole in the thatched roof at the bright blue cloudless sky. With his mom gone he could enjoy a relaxing afternoon. No work, no cleaning, no nothing! He settled himself in for a nice long nap…


Hyrule Market Square

Terra strolled into the market square. Instantly she was bombarded with noise and commotion. Townsfolk were furiously moving back and forth, hurrying to set up their shops for the summer carnival. She entered the square without much notice from anyone, dodging the huge carpenters and craftsmen. Terra moved in and out of the crowds like a cat looking for mice in a field. "Where could they be?" She mumbled nervously to herself. Not looking where she was going she ran into a cloaked man. The man stared down at her, face shadowed, seemingly annoyed by the fact that he was just ran into by such a puny Hylian girl. "Sorry!" Terra apologized with a squeal looking down away from the tall imposing man. A faint fowl stench crawled up her nose. The man smelt terrible. Her scampering feet quickly carried her away and deeper into the crowd.

"Terra!" a loud female voice said calling from the distance, it was Zelda, her mother. A long slender arm waved above the heads in the crowd.

"Mom!" she yelled back and began to work her way through the thick mass of bodies toward her mother.

Arriving at Zelda, who was writing notes next to the Happy Mask Shop, Terra reached her family. "Mother, this place utterly berserk!" Terra panted, leaning over with a grin on her face.

Zelda laughed and rolled her eyes "It always is, just more than usual this time of year…It's nice to see you're finally awake, sweet-heart."

"Oh, Mom…" Terra sighed in defeat "It was only by…a few minutes perhaps…or hours…"

"A few minutes, it's almost noon!" Zelda replied and pointed up into the sky. The sun was almost at its peak in the blue heavens. The Queens eyes returned to her notes.

Terra took a seat on a bench shrugging off her mother’s comment. "Where is father?" She questioned eagerly.

Zelda didn't say anything, but simply pointed up at the roof of the Happy Mask Shop not even looking away from her mass of papers.

Link appeared on the wooden roof of the building. "I'm up here!" he yelled, holding an iron hammer and some nails.

The mask salesmen slowly walked out of the old shop, turning up to Link and saying "The roof looks wonderful, I can't thank you enough!"

Link jumped onto the ladder and slide down with ease. "It's not a problem" He replied warmly, walking over to the man.

"Oh, But it is! After all you've done for me, and everyone else. I can't thank you enough." The mask salesmen insisted humbly, shaking Links hand with vigor.

Terra's eyes perked, “After all he did? He just fixed a roof.” she thought. She quickly threw the thought out of her head. Her mind quickly returned to the present, eyes looking about the crowd once again.

Link laughed "Don't worry, it'll be fine, my old friend." He patted the man on the shoulder and walked over to his wife and daughter.

Terra swayed on the stone bench as her father began to walk over. "Mother, what did that man mean by “After all you've done?” Dad only fixed his roof?"

Zelda turned to Terra, shooting her the motherly 'Don't Ask' look at her daughter. She sat down on the bench. "Maybe another time dear, now is not the time for such a matter. When you’re ready to hear it we will tell you." She mumbled silently into Terra’s ear.

"But…" Terra was cut off as Link arrived.

"How is my wonderful family doing!" he said with a wide grin, setting his tools on the ground beside the bench.

"I'm fine." replied Zelda as she stood up and tenderly kissed Link on the cheek.

"I’m doing well, father!" Terra shouted with a bright smile.

Link patted his daughter gently on the shoulder and gave her a nod.

Zelda looked over her shoulder, eyes shifting from her family, and watched as a horse and old cart rolled into the marketplace; the cart had the symbol of the Lon Lon Ranch painted on its side. It was the ranch owner and good friend of the Royal Family, Malon. "Excuse me Link, Malon's here; I'm going to help her un-pack her cart. No doubt she is bringing in an extra-large shipment for today if I know her like I do." She leaned in and gave Link another small peck on the cheek.

"Alright." He said grinning "Say hello for me! I’ll join you both in a minute!"

Nodding, Zelda slid through the crowd in the square, cutting a path straight to Malon. The crowd swiftly closed again. Zelda vanished from sight.

"Ugh, you two, I swear…" Terra groaned, referring to her parents little bit of romance that just occurred in front of her. She gave another roll of her eyes.

Link laughed, turning back to his daughter. "What is it?"

"Oh…Nothing…" Terra said with another smug smirk. "It's just…I'm glad to see both of you so happy, that is all."

"Well, if we didn't we wouldn't have our beautiful and wonderful daughter here, now would we?"

Terra smiled, "I guess that’s a reasonable response…" swaying on the bench a bit more.

"Listen…" Link said grabbing a hold of Terra's hand; his hands were massive compared to his daughters. "Everything wasn't always this way; there was a time when this sort of event was un-heard of. Yes, we are happy because we love each other, but we also enjoy this peaceful land that we worked so hard to achieve."

Terra groaned. "Yes, I know father…" She had heard this speech countless times before. By now it had gotten rather dull and preacher-like.

Link grinned; he knew that he was speaking to a brick wall. "If you don't mind, I have an errand for you."

Terra jumped at the chance to distance herself from her parents and their idea of work in the market square. "Sure, I'll do anything!" She replied eagerly, she didn't want to be stuck in town for the entire day helping her parents with their carnival preparation.

"Saria wishes to come to the carnival. Would you be so kind to go get her and accompany her to the castle for me? I know you know the way to the Kokiri Forest."

"Oh yes!" Terra exclaimed with glee. She almost bounded off the bench. "Of course I will!" Besides the fact that she didn't want to be in town, Saria and she have been close friends, similar to the way Saria and Link once were.

"Splendid!" Link replied, "You best get a move on soon if you wish to be back before dark" giving his daughter a gentle nudge on the shoulder.

Terra gave a nod and moved in to hug her father, who returned the warm family embrace. "I'll see you soon, father!" Terra said, getting up of the stone bench and beginning to move through the massive crowd to the city gate.

Emerging from the crowd and heading to the castle drawbridge, Terra's eyes looked up at the massive grey stone walls that protected Hyrule Castle before the time of peace. Built of solid stone they were near impenetrable and combined with the small moat that ran outside and surrounded the walls, it was all a formidable defense. But in these days of peace and plenty there were rarely any guards stationed on their surfaces. But they still stood as a reminder of the might of the Hylian kingdom.

As she approached the gatehouse under the shadow of the stone wall she was stopped by the armored guard. "Good afternoon your highness, Where are you off to?" The guard inquired kindly with a quick respectable bow of the head.

Terra sighed but managed a grin, she knew that the guard was doing his duty, but she grew annoyed when she was stopped every time she left the city for an errand or recreation. "I'm heading into the Kokiri Forest; I have an errand to run for my father."

"Would you like a guard to accompany you?" offered the armored soldier.

"No thank you, Hyrule field is a safe place, I'm sure I'll be fine." Terra persuaded, smiling sweetly at the young guard.

The guard nodded, stepping aside, and proceeded to let the princess by. Exiting the shade of the city, Terra walked into a field of bright sunlight. Breathing in the fresh field air she turned to the direction of the lush green forest.


Castle Town.

Zelda lifted a bottle full of milk onto a shelf in the store. "It's wonderful you had invited me to this carnival Zelda, I wouldn't have even remembered it's in a few days! I've been so busy back at the ranch." Malon said, removing a fully stocked crate from the cart. She was starting to pant again, the work of the day taking a toll on her body.

"It's not a problem." Zelda replied sweetly "How have you been?"

Malon shrugged. "It's been rough; I've had to keep Alec in line all by myself. It's hard to raise a child to the age of eighteen without a father, you know? It's a shame his father left when Alec was so young…They would have gotten along greatly…"

Zelda turned away momentarily. Malon and her husband were married the same year as Link and she, and a few months after the wedding and Alec's birth, he disappeared from the family due to business both of them were unable to mention. "How is Alec doing?" Zelda replied trying to change the subject off of the man.

Malon smirked. "He is a handful, I can't believe that he is eighteen now. He sure doesn't act his age."

"Terra is the same way. But it's good for them you know? They are only young once. They both might as will live as they see fit until they can’t." Zelda explained cheerfully, making the mood lighter.

"I guess, just like us once, eh?" Malon agreed, a similar smile creeping across her face.

"Exactly!" Zelda also agreed.

"Hello Malon!" a voice said from behind them. It was Link. "How are you this fine summer afternoon?"

"Let's just say I'm going to make it. Not sure I’ll survive until next summer though if this keeps up!" Malon said with a sigh, joking.

"And your son, Alec? How is the poor boy?"

"Just…fine…" Malon replied. “…being a young man, I guess.”

Link grabbed some bottles of milk and began to stock some of the wooden shop shelves. "I can't say I've seen him since he was just a tiny lad." Link said "Where is he all the time? Don’t tell me you keep him locked up at the ranch all the time?"

Malon finished unpacking a crate. "Oh…Goofing off at the ranch usually, He stays there often…Sometimes it’s just too busy to let him leave. I would let him wander if I could."

"He should come into town someday; I haven't seen him since he was a small lad!" Link replied happily, finishing up stocking a shelf.

"He is coming out tomorrow if you wish to meet him. Alec isn’t proper, but he can be respectful."

"Splendid!" Link said almost shouting. "I'll have to introduce him to Terra; I can't say they have met before…And if they have I don't think they were old enough to remember!"

"Oh, but he is so improper and dirty. He acts like a child!" Malon protested, her eyes lighting up at the words of her son and Zelda and Link’s daughter meeting face to face.

Link laughed "Well…so does Terra, all she does is sleep in and sing." He smiled, even though sometimes he didn't like the way his daughter acted he still loved her. "I do have to admit she has quite the voice."

Malon agreed with a nodded. Terra had a rather beautiful singing voice. She was good at her craft. It wasn't unusual for Terra to sing during one of her parents celebrations, or simply for pure fun.

"There! That's the last of them!" Zelda exclaimed putting the last glass bottle onto the shelf. She slapped her hands across one another shaking off the dust.

A voice from outside called into the shop urgently. "Milady, the sages of water and fire have arrived!"

Link turned to the two women with a raised eyebrow. "Well…Shall we? Best not keep those two waiting!"


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Here is the next chapter for the Remastered version of The Legend of Terra.

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LilyBlight's avatar
Nice. Are you planning to continue with the remastered chapters?